Curriculum Based Virtual Reality for Classroom

a wide variety of engaging content with organized lesson plans to help the students easily grasp the most complex subjects in virtual reality VR kit.

Why SpegzVR?

Why SpegzVR Should Be Opted By Schools

School opting for SpegzVR kit to build an interactive & engaging educational atmosphere for all the students.

Creates Interest

ar vr courses Unity

Excellent Learning

Focused Immersion

Cost Effective

Extra Abilities

Spegz, a leader in digital learning, has extensive experience in the domain of Virtual Reality (VR). We strongly believe that education constitutes the backbone of every nation. Taking a step further, we have created VR based learning modules by harnessing the futuristic technology and blending it creatively with the academics.

vr education

Spegz virtual reality experiences

These VR experiences come with rich visuals that are very close to real life and leave an everlasting mark on students memory.

  • 200+ VR Lessons: We currently have 200+ lessons across various classes ranging from grade 8 to grade 10 that are specially designed as per the curriculum of CBSE/ICSE.

  • Storyboards Learning: The story boards for each and every topic has been tailor made by our highly experienced teachers and content writers which are then turned in to 3D models and visuals by our skilled developers.

  • Interactive Teaching: We have used the concept of Gamification to assess the students at the end of every lesson, this makes the assessment more interactive and fun.

Educational VR

Virtual Reality For Classroom

Benifits of Virtual Reality to Students

It increases the concentration and interest levels of the students by using innovative technology and gamification. This kind of immersive learning is more captivating for the students.

It enhances student's performance as it allows them to personally explore, analyse and build up their base concepts.

It allows deeper understanding of the subject. For example, the students can virtually travel inside an atom and see the arrangement of electrons, neutrons and protons inside it.

It improves the retention power of the student as they tend to absorb more in an immersive and interactive experience. Studies show that students are able to retain 80%-90% of the content if it is learned through experience.

Educational Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality For Schools

Benefits of Virtual Reality to Teachers

The teachers can explain even the abstract topics in a more practical and accessible manner using VR models. The three-dimensional interactive elements have a longer lasting effect than conventional models, images and videos.

VR learning modules give an opportunity to experience the subject up and front. They replace the conventional way of studying which involves listening, reading lessons and making notes. Hence, such modules are much more effecting in delivering knowledge than a conventional lecture. It becomes easier for the teacher to stimulate interest in the students.

The interactive and engaging module will increase the retention power and so, the teachers will spend less time in making their students memorise the topic.

vr education

Ever wonder why virtual reality is better?

  • Virtual Reality focuses on the real world in a virtual way with sounds and not just pictures.

  • With real experience, children get the tools to read, relate and enjoy their subject.

  • There is no longer a need to memorise anything as you can see, engage & learn fast.

CBSE Class 8
SpegzVR Targeting CBSE Grade 8 Includes

Maths & Science Specially designed 21st-century smart books for Grade 8th CBSE.

CBSE Class 9
SpegzVR Targeting CBSE Grade 9 Includes

Maths & Science Specially designed 21st-century smart books for Grade 9th CBSE.

CBSE Class 10
SpegzVR Targeting CBSE Grade 10 Includes

Maths & Science Specially designed 21st-century smart books for Grade 10th CBSE.
